Thursday, February 10, 2011


Just a little note to let any of the 4 of you who read this that I haven't fallen down the rabbit hole. I have however, had my computer crash, burn and die a terrible death resulting in the loss of all my pictures, data, e-books and knitting patterns. :( The good news? It's till under warranty, but I have to ship it away to get fixed. It was only 5 months old too.

I'll be back as soon as I have a new mani to show you. Right now I'm on day 5 of Essie Sew Psyched. Not a chip in sight! I'm working from a wee netbook so have to do some work arounds.

Have a gorgeous weekend.. and back up your data. LFMF.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Orly It's Not Rocket Science, OPI Black Shatter

I just wanted something easy and shiny and green. 

How I love this colour. Swampy, glittery all things good. 

But this? This is amazing. It looks like REAL ZOMBIE SKIN!!!!

I think I might love this stuff even more horizontally applied.