Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Milani 3D Holographic HD

You have no idea how many pictures I took of this polish! Under fluorescent light, incandescent light, no light, muted light, daylight and nightlight. Oh. My. God. 

It was like pulling teeth to get the way this actually looks. FINALLY.. there was some incredibly weak sunlight out this morning..

I RAN out to my front yard. Ran I tell you! Like my neighbours don't already think I'm the crazy lady who takes a million pictures of my hands at all hours. 

Some of these are a titch blurry (and it took 3 coats to get maximum coverage), but at least the colour is correct. And hopefully the neighbours didn't notice me in my bare feet in the middle of the walk frantically snapping away and swearing like a sailor on leave. 

See the things I do for you all? I'm the crazy nail polish lady. Well and the crazy lady who named her dog Pickles Houdini Chewbacca. :)

49 Followers! When I get to 50 I'll have the giveaway I've been thinking of. Spread the word!


  1. yay! i'm your 50th follower! i love love this nail polish, seriously. I want it :)

  2. Thanks so much Eva!! you rock :)

    the polish, it is HOT!

  3. The colour looks great!
    And the dog name RULES.
